职称:实验师 研究方向:矢量光场调控、光与物质相互作用 E-mail:bowen@usc.edu.cn |
闻博,雷竞技实验师,电子科学与技术和电子信息专业硕士生导师。主要从事矢量光场调控, 光与物质相互作用等方向的研究。主持校博士启动基金1项,发表SCI收录论文7篇,申请国家发明专利1项。指导省级大学生创新研究项目1项,指导学生荣获第九届“大唐杯”全国大学生新一代信息通信技术大赛国家三等奖。
1、Wen Bo, Rui Guanghao, Jun He, et al. Polarization rotation and singularity evolution of fundamental Poincaré beams through anisotropic Kerr nonlinearities. Journal of optics 2020. 22(8). 085501.
2、Wen Bo, Hu Yueqiu, Rui Guanghao, et al. Anisotropic nonlinear Kerr media: Z-scan characterization and interaction with hybridly polarized beams. Optics Express. 2019. 27(10): 13845-13857.
3、Lei Jingli, Wen Bo, Hou Shanglin, et al. SBS Slow Light of Triangular Wave Stokes Pulses in Optical Fibers. Acta Photonica Sinica. 2018. 47(3): 306005.
4、Wen Bo, Xue Yuxiong, Gu Bing, et al. Radial-variant nonlinear ellipse rotation. Optics Letters. 2017. 42(19): 3988-3991.
5、Gu Bing, Wen Bo, Rui Guanghao, et al. Nonlinear polarization evolution of hybridly polarized vector beams through isotropic Kerr nonlinearities. Optics Express. 2016. 24(22): 25867-25875.
6、Gu Bing, Wen Bo, Rui Guanghao, et al. Varying polarization and spin angular momentum flux of radially polarized beams by anisotropic Kerr media. Optics letters. 2016. 41(7): 1566-1569.
7、Hou Shanglin, Wen Bo, Li Hongbing, et al. Effects of SBS slow light on super-Gaussian pulses in fibers. Optics Communications. 2014. 323: 13-18.
1、顾兵, 闻博,芮光浩,崔一平,基于椭圆偏振矢量光场实现径向变化非线性椭偏旋转装置,专利号:ZL 2017 1 0770150.4,2020